DX Done Right 42: Toward a Racially Just Workplace | S01E42

Part 1: Toward a Racially Just Workplace

“Happy elephant success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which [one] has overcome while trying to succeed.”

“Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which [one] has overcome while trying to succeed.”

Part 2:

Thus we turn to the moral case. Many in the U.S. business community have begun to push for more purpose-driven capitalism that focuses not just on shareholder value but also on shared value — benefits that extend to employees, customers, suppliers, and communities. This movement, toward what the University of Toronto’s Sarah Kaplan calls the 360° Corporation, wants corporate leaders to consider both the financial and the ethical implications of all their decisions. We believe that one of its pillars should be proportionate representation and wages for black Americans.

Part 3:

In sum, DandI needs to be an ethos that permeates the entire organization, championed not just by the HR department but by everyone, and especially managers, so that its importance is clear. The Toigo Foundation’s leaders draw a parallel between this idea and the total quality management movement of the 1980s, which, with top-down support and the establishment of key performance indicators, became a pervasive way of working and thinking that filtered down to every function and level.

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